The boredom was pleasantly alleviated today by, of all things, a wedding. Anne and Tim are volunteers who came to the country in the same group as me, six months ago. They are dear friends of mine. They met when we all came together in February, and very quickly decided that they liked each other. I guess when it's right it's right, so today they went into the magistrates office and tied the knot. About ten of us packed into a tiny office and cheered them on as they signed the paperwork.
We took them out to a nice dinner, made toasts, took lots of pictures, ate cake (courtesy of the wonderful Peace Corps staff) and did the things that you generally do at a more conventional American wedding. It was a lot of fun, and I feel fortunate to have played a part in the proceedings. None of us have known each other very long (most notably the bride and groom), but I suppose it goes to show that neat friendships, romances, etc. can pop up anywhere.
Congrats, Anne and Tim!

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