I made it back to my home after the hurricane. I had to wade through water up to my waist, but that was made right with a towel when I got home. There was no damage to my community. The were cut off from the world for about a day and a half, so there wasn't much food, but life has more or less returned to normal now.
But I am not encouraged by the presence of three (3!!) tropical storms over the Atlantic right now. Please pray that God might protect us from these consequences of our having abused his world by pumping carbon into the air.
On a lighter note, I have gotten involved with a project to produce a textbook that uses environmental themes to teach the English language. I have been nominated the "master of the spoken word" on the project. For some reason I have become the poet laureate of Peace Corps DR. Not sure how...
But anyway, I thought you might enjoy seeing some of my scribblings.
Garbage is a problem
when piled in the street.
But if we just recycle
the world will be more neat.
River, river, flowing clear,
full of fish from far to near.
Throwing trash and killing wood,
for its health is just no good.
Though our languages are many,
and our differences are vast,
we must struggle together
if our good world is to last.
As I watch the bird pass by,
flitting, gliding through the sky,
his graceful flight, a work of art,
wonder overtakes my heart.
This tiny pilot of the blue
is closely bound to me and you.
For all that on this planet live
in harmony must take and give.
Lest one day should one small thing shift
and bring a horrid change most swift.
We of conscience must take care
to keep these beauties in the air.
PepsiCo. and Nutrition in Ethiopia
13 years ago
your poems are amazing!! write more.. and send them to me. ha ha. good jeeeeoooorb.
You may be giving yourself and others more credit than you should.
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