Funny things happen frequently in this part of the world. For example, this morning I was on my way to town where I now sit using the internet. My minibus was driving up a hill on the highway, and slowed down next to a beat up old station wagon that was parked on the shoulder. It's occupants were waving us down, I thought to probably ask for a ride.
But did they want a ride? No. They wanted our van to push their car up the hill by the bumper so that they could try to pop the clutch and get their hunk of gears started. Did anyone pause and say ''that is a bizarre idea''? Of course not! Our driver reacted non chalantly, as though this were something he has been asked to do every day of his ife. So we lined up behind them, pushed them along, and a few minutes later both vehicles were happily crusing along.
The funniest part of the whole thing was that none of it struck me as being that odd. Maybe living this lifestyle of peeling vegetables with machetes and bathing with a bucket is starting to impact the way I think about things...
PepsiCo. and Nutrition in Ethiopia
13 years ago
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