After the beach trip went so well, we decided that it might be fun to take the kids on another day trip before moving away. Their sister had moved in with relatives in the city a few months back, and they hadn't been to visit her yet. We went to pick her up, and then take all three of them out for pizza (which they had never had before).

Our assumption was that all kids everywhere love pizza. It certainly holds true in America, and I figured we would be fine because I have never seen these particular kids turn down food. As it happened, they tasted it, picked at it, and moved it around the plate, all with very glum looks on their faces. Having been a picky eater as a child, I had memories of visiting relatives and having to be polite while attempting to eat something that I considered to be inedible. I asked if they liked it. They said "well, yeeees, but....Timo.....when are we going to eat rice???"

I guess pizza is not everyone's favorite after all.

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