Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In which Tim begins a journey...

In 24 hours I will be on an airplane bound for the land of the free and the home of the brave. I will be visiting the USA for three weeks, and will be appearing in several venues across the country.

I am not sure the reality that I am about to leave the DR and be in America for a little while has completely hit me yet. I am sure I have changed in ways that will not become apparent until I get into English speaking company on American soil. Hopefully I haven't become too much of a savage.

I will try to do some blogging during the trip, as I am sure I will have some interesting reflections on the contrasts I am encountering.

Right now I am just excited to go. I get to eat taco bell. See my friends and family. Meet my girlfriend's family, and have her meet mine. Drink good beer. I think it will be a good trip.

Stay tuned.

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